Lab manual

Code of conduct

Our lab aims to be a safe, professional, and encouraging place where everybody feels respected, appreciated, and free to contribute equally. All lab members must abide by the code of conduct:

Be respectful

No forms of harassment or discrimination are tolerated. All individuals, regardless of their age, gender identity, racial or ethnical background, sexual orientation, religion, culture, academic record, personal background, disability status, economic status, or mental health status, shall be treated with equal respect and recognition.

Please follow the guidelines below:

  • treat others professionally and respectfully at all times;
  • exclusionary comments or jokes, threats or violent language are not acceptable;
  • do not address others in an angry, intimidating, or demeaning manner;
  • use the individual's preferred pronouns, if known. Gender-neutral language is welcome, particularly when the identity of the person is not known or is irrelevant to the context (e.g. use 'they' for a manuscript reviewer);
  • be kind and sensitive with respect to personal, family and health issues of others, and provide moral support whenever possible;
  • be mindful of the privacy, personal space and belongings of others;
  • ask if unsure how someone wants be referred to or treated.

Be professional

All members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. This involves being honest, with integrity, accountability, and respectfulness to others.

Please follow the behaviours below:

  • conduct research work with integrity (i.e., responsibly, honestly and respectfully);
  • provide and receive positive feedback and encouragement on research ideas and results;
  • directly address issues as soon as possible;
  • acknowledge the contributions of others;
  • acknowledge your mistakes;
  • be prepared for meetings and other duties;
  • be punctual for all events;
  • do not gossip;
  • kindly point out any potential unsafe or incorrect work procedures to others;
  • report incidents or concerns to Andre or other senior personell at CeMM;
  • abide by the rules of CeMM.

Be proactive and inclusive

We can all be better if we help each other and do things for the good of the lab.

The following is encouraged:

  • welcome, integrate, and include everyone;
  • ask questions - we're all here to learn;
  • collaboration in research with other lab members;
  • equal participation by all other group members in group discussions;
  • report issues and accept responsability in them to prevent similar issues in the future;
  • suggestions of group activities to foster the lab community, particularly those that encourage cultural exchange.

This code of conduct was inspired by and adapts parts from the following:

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