Lab manual


Project life cycle

Initializing a project

  1. Register your project in the lab's project register:
    1. Go to and find the 'Lab project register.xlsx' or directly here.
    2. Start a new row for your project and increment the Project ID by one.
    3. Choose an intuitive name for the project, avoiding adding personal information e.g. collaborator names.
  2. Create a project directory structure from the lab's template: cookiecutter gh:rendeirolab/_project_template
  3. Create a git repository on GitHub ( with the same name as the project, make a first commit and push to Github.
  4. Create a directory for the project in the CeMM cluster at: /research/groups/lab_rendeiro/projects/
    1. Create a directory inside called data to store raw data.
  5. Create a directory for the project in the CeMM cluster at: /nobackup/groups/lab_rendeiro/projects/
    1. Create a soft link between /research/.../data and /nobackup/.../data
  6. Create a cemm_metadata.json file in /research/groups/lab_rendeiro/projects/$PROJECT/
  7. Create a cemm_metadata.json file in /nobackup/groups/lab_rendeiro/projects/$PROJECT/

You can find various metadata JSON templates at /research/groups/lab_rendeiro/projects/_templates/.

Make sure to validate your JSON files, e.g.:

# pip install jsonvalidate
jsonvalidate -i cemm_metadata.json cemm_metadata_schema.json

Developing a project


Maintaining files for a project

Make sure to maintain your metadata JSON files, in line with the existing data on disk.

Reporting research

No powerpoint!





Tools and technologies of standard use within the lab

File types of digital data

Below are the preferred types of technology to be used in the lab:

  • documentation: Markdown
  • programming language: Python
  • image files: OME-TIFF
  • tabular form files: CSV (or csv.gz), Parquet
  • plots: SVG, PDF

Engaging in new projects



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