Lab manual
Manuscript writing
This document provides practical guidelines for writing a manuscript. For insights on planning a project please see the project planning guide instead.
Manuscript writing should really be called "manuscript crafting" as it involves a lot more than text writing and formatting or figure making as it takes a lot of time, effort and skill to craft a good manuscript.
A crucial part of crafting a great manuscript is good communication of ideas through visual elements (figures), and their alignment with the text.
Here are Andre's tips for figure making based on practice. This has changed a little over the time, but mostly coalesced on a fairly simple system.
Making plots (Python, matplotlib, seaborn):
- Try to compartmentalize data processing from visualization (not just the early 'pipeline'-like processing, but also the analytical analysis) - but that does not mean that
- Each script produces a set of plots into a
directory, with subdirectories matching the script or analysis name (more hierarchical if needed, e.g. different datasets). - Each plot file name should be self explanatory and contain enough information to track down its origin.
- Except for obvious groupings or interrelations, avoid making figures with many subplots.
- Create figures in matplotlib/seaborn always explicitly:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)
- For the most part aim for each subplot to have a square shape with about 3 by 3 inches. If creating a figure with multiple subplots, scale the figure size accordingly:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(2 * 3, 4 * 3)
- Always label the axes, and make use of a single statement to set many properties at once:
ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Expression (log)", yscale="log")
- For plot elements with many objects (e.g. scatter), rasterize that specific single element in order to reduce the size of the figure:
g = sns.clustermap(...); g.ax_heatmap.set(rasterized=True)
. Do not rasterized the whole axes as that will make e.g. text element uneditable. - Choose consistent colors across a project. Consider thinking of all factors being highlighted in the paper before starting the project. See colormaps here:
- Choose continuous colormaps for continuous variables (magma, viridis). Use divergent colormaps (coolwarm, RdBur, PuOrr) only when a central value has meaning (e.g. a Z-score).
Recommend settings for matplotlib
Inkscape: Export to SVG
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['savefig.bbox'] = 'tight' # To ensure that legends and elements outside the axes are included
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300 # To make sure any rasterized elements have good quality
plt.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] = True # To remove the white background
plt.rcParams['svg.fonttype'] = 'none' # To allow font to be editable in Inkscape
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial' # Use Arial as the font
Adobe Illustrator: Export to PDF
This is similar as above, except that we change the font settings,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['savefig.bbox'] = 'tight'
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300
plt.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] = True
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
plt.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial'
Assemble plots manually into a figure:
- Check the journal requirements and limitations for figures and their dimensions. Use A4 by default, not letter.
- Here is a template figure:
- Add a plot to the canvas, resize it to an approximate desired size, remove all groupings, remove redundant objects, possibly despine plot (i.e. remove top right, top axes). Make whole plot into a group (or layer).
- Be wary of resize operations that change aspect ratio. Be sure not to create artifacts. Here's some help: (hasn't worked recently for me).
- Use a consistent font family (Arial) for all text elements and only one or two font sizes (12 and 10). You can use the Find/Replace tool with
Object types = 'text'
to do this. - Add a lowercase letter label to each panel (font 16).
- Add a label to the top of the Figure (i.e. Figure 1)
- Name the figure files consistently Figure1.svg, SupplementaryFigure1.svg
Post assembly, automatic assembly and conversion of file types (bash, inkscape, minify, pdfunite):
- Use script here:
- Use generated individual PDFs to embed in a manuscript tex file.
- Use generated individual PNGs to embed in a manuscript file like docx.
- Use the joint PDFs to print, share or submit to journal.
Only in very rare cases it is worth it to have a full final figure generated as a whole.
Adobe Illustrator:
Open PDF in Adobe Illustrator
- Select everything:
- Mac: ⌘ Command + A
- Windows: Ctrl + A
- Go to
->Clipping Mask
, press until it can't be pressed anymore:- Mac: ⌥ Option + ⌘ Command + 7
- Windows: Alt + Ctrl + 7
Congratulations! Now you have a clean plot ready for editing.
[!CAUTION] Removing clipping masks may affect elements, such as bars that extend offscreen.
Manuscript text is usually written in Microsoft Word (docx) or LibreOffice Writer (odt). Latex is also supported, talk with Andre about starting with a LaTeX template.
Use styles to format your text. Do not use whitespace (e.g. newlines and spaces) in the text to format the document.
- Page:
- Page size: A4
- Page margins: 2 cm on all sides
- Styles:
- Default text style:
- Font: Arial
- Font size: 11
- Line spacing: 1.15 lines
- Paragraph spacing: 0.2cm below paragraph, 0.0cm above paragraph
- Alignment: Justified
- Color: Black
- Headings (all inherit the above default style):
- Title: Font size: 14, bold
- Heading 1: Font size: 12, bold, paragraph spacing: 0.4cm above
- Heading 2: Font size: 11, italic, paragraph spacing: 0.3cm above
- Heading 3: possible but not recommended
- Figure legends (inherit from default style except for settings below):
- Legend below figure.
- Font size: 10
- Figure number and title: bold.
- Default text style:
- Title
- Authors
- Author affiliations
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Results
- Discussion
- Methods
- Data availability
- Code availability
- Acknowledgements
- Conflicts of interest
- References
File formats
Refer to research page for more details.
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